What I do, What I feel, What I am

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Lockdown and Chicken Pox

I was quarantined for 15 days during the COVID-19 lockdown. Not because of Corona but because of Chicken Pox! 

First things first, I had neither got chicken pox in my 38 years (you know my age now) nor have I had a vaccine . Not sure if I had it in my previous births but I realize immunity works at the “body” level and not at the “Athman” level. So it was perfectly fine for me to get this now.

My daughter was shocked when she came to know about this. Her thought process was interesting - “how can we vegetarians get chicken pox?”. She would have probably suspected my food habits. I had to explain her that this is not caught from chicken and had to put an effort to come out clean.

You can have two schools of thought to treat this, 

  1. This is caused by Varicella family of virus. Do symptomatic allopathic treatment like paracetamols, anti histamines, Calamine lotions … 
  2. Believe in traditional treatment methods
    • Cool the body with buttermilk, tender coconut and sorts.
    • Apply neem and turmeric paste on days of shower. Have a shower on the 7th, 9th and 11th days of the illness. Use neem leaves to get relieved from itching.
    • Have a bland diet - no oil, no tadka.
    • Listen to the words of elders at home. My mother in my case.
    • Take rest. Sleep on a saree, soft cloth.
    • Maintain cleanliness around you.
    • Use neem leaves to alleviate itching.
    • Pray to the Goddess Mariamman / Shitaladevi (that’s how She is known in the North).

I am someone whose principles are RIGHT(ly) :) oriented and I am from Trichy where one of the guardian deities is Samayapuram Mariamman - I chose option 2. 

An interesting episode:
Well, I had a special experience for the first time in my life on 7th of April. And this is what happened,
> On the said day, I started feeling hungry from 2 AM. The good boy that I am, I din’t wake anyone up for food.
> Finally, I woke up at 6 AM and went on to brush my teeth (I unfortunately have this habit!).
> When I cleaned my tongue, probably I did a “Deep clean”.  
…………At that moment, a rush of divine energy erupted from somewhere around my Mooladhara and the Swadishthana chakras;
………… similar cosmic energy came from outside on my left, right, center…;
………… I saw it, a bright white light, and darkness; 
…………I tried opening my eyes but the energy wouldn’t allow; 
………..I closed them, there was peace everywhere; 
………..And …. TADDA; It happened!;
…………“Prakash, Prakash”; I heard my father, mother and wife calling out; 
………… I opened my eyes, they helped me sit on a chair;
……….. I was drenched with sweat. It was intense;
…………I saw all of them. Wanted to tell them but couldn’t;
……….. After half a minute, I came back to the mundane world.

Well, in simple worldly words - I bloody fainted and fell on the floor and scared the hell out of the people at home :(. And this happened for the first time in my 38 years (you know my age again)

Now the explanation: I had one paracetamol on day 0 thinking that I had common flu. That caused severe acidity and subsequently led to acid reflux (cosmic energy rush) & a total black out.
Now the message: Given that the organ systems of the body will be challenged during this time and there will be general weakness, any medications would do more harm than good.  Better to avoid.

The illness will run its course and go off with symptoms peaking for 2-3 days and then fading away - 102 deg fever, weakness and a feeling of being disoriented, digestive problems, blisters, severe throat pain and so on. I started feeling fine from the 5th day and steadily on the path of recovery now (23rd day). Few crusted blisters here and there and I know those will also go off in a couple of weeks!

It is interesting to know the protocol followed for hundreds of years for this illness in our country. And how that compares with the “modern” practices,
> Neem leaves on the entrance of the house. That would help others understand that there is someone with chicken pox in the house and they will avoid entering the house. Compare that with the printed notice reading “This house has inmates suspected of COVID-19 and quarantined …..”. Why waste paper and printing cost?
> People from outside wouldn’t enter the house and similarly inmates of the house avoid going out to other houses, functions, temples … - thereby following “Social distancing” rules.
> The patient himself will not come out of the designated space separate from others, maintains a separate plate, glass, a pair of dress … - simply put, “Quarantined
> The patient is not allowed to see the mirror - avoiding the psychological effect that one has to see blisters on their face.
> The patient is disallowed from exiting the confined space till 3 showers and to go out of the house for 2 more weeks - to “Break the chain of Tx”.
> By adding the divine element to this, they had ensured that the rules are not broken. Genius! - “Mera Bharat Mahan

I know I haven’t written for years now. Somehow got motivated to write about this one. Will try to be regular. No promises though!
