What I do, What I feel, What I am

Monday, March 27, 2006

"Destined to Choose ?????"

Somehow, got into a philosophical mood (mode ??) !! Well, if you remember my "who am i ?" post, this one is not far off.

Just thought, "what are we (humans) guys here for ?". I am assuming we are what we are, as in we are all called humans and we all live in earth which is part of solar system and so on and so forth. But what is it that drives all of us ? Is there a HE (HE refers to SHE also :-)) or are the atheists correct ? If there is a HE, what is HE ? Are there many HEs (I mean Siva / Vishnu / Brahma .... / Jesus / Allah ) ? Does the christian HE save the Hindus and muslims also ? Ok, it's becoming too complicated. Let's assume there is one HE perceived as many. Let's not think about the atheists now. Since I am not one, I can't write about how they feel.

Now that there is a HE, what are we in front of him ? Why on earth (!!!???) did he create us(!!), is saving us (!!) and gonna destroy us (!!). These are all assumptions, right ? Science can't prove these, but I say science is something created by HIM and he din't give it the capability to perceive / prove HIM (fair enough ??). Neither did HE give science the capability to explain the BASIC day to day things, as in, science can say how the sun comes from the east, how the earth rotates / revolves etc., but can't say why these things are happening daily (??!!) !!!! Where are all these things heading to ?

Why are there doctors when someone is gonna die if he ought to ? Why are there engineers studying strength of materials / material science / magneto rheological fluids etc. who erect structures to be destroyed by an earth quake , Tsunami or terrosrists ??? Why are there meteorological centres which can predict natural calamities but can't do much about them ? Lots and lots more.

Are we just dolls in front of HIM ? Are we actors in the stage (The World) ?? Are we part of some game that THEY play ??? Do we get to make any choices at all ? Did I choose to do my B.E in Instrumentation and Control or was I "destined to choose" (interesting !!??) to do my B.E in ICE ?? Are things that we enjoy / experience today, the fruits of yesterday's efforts .... or is it just that we are destined to enjoy the fruits of yesterday's labour today or even worse, were we destied to put in efforts yesterday since we are destined to enjoy today ??? Were we destined to miss what all we missed so far ? Were we destined to get what we got so far ? Din't we "deserve" them ?

Again, did we choose our parents ? Will we choose our better halves or will it again be a "destined to choose" stuff ? Come on, two people can't even decide who a child they are going to "make" should look like :-). Not even, the gender at the minimum. :-(

Looks like, we have got nothing to do here. We are all living dead :-))) We just go through what was laid for us before. We are destined to laugh, cry, suffer, enjoy etc. and we just "do" it.

I think, I was destined to write something like this today :-))))))))

Bye for now !!!

1 comment:

sanjayan said...

You got the same thought just like me. I did know there are many people out here but i found one who is very similar. I do get these thoughts often.

I have read many books, sites on hinduism, buddhism, christianity. All of them try to say one point that there is one supreme power responsible for all these things. And every action of ours has a reaction which is called as Karma. But no one gives the explantion for the starting of all this.

Is god playing a chess game and we are all coins? Is he stuck somewhere and whole thing is just random? No idea. Even the sages say that its not for you to find out the reason but just do the role what you are meant to do... :)

Interesting never ending topic :)